All Things New

written by

Jesus is in the business of making all things new…

But our part in this process isn’t peripheral. We aren’t the bystander watching from the sidelines. We aren’t even on the bench (unless we put ourselves there) or the coach’s first backup.


We are paramount, cocreating and collaborating alongside Jesus in this work. It was the original gameplan from the very beginning in the garden

We believe reimagining the space our churches possess (the $1 trillion of space our churches possess in the U.S. alone) and repurposing how we inhabit these spaces can be one small means toward making all things new. But as we listen to the land of each space, its people and the ordinances that govern them both, we need fresh eyes and lofty visions, grounding ourselves in one simple question:

What is possible here?

Because what works here, might not work over thereand that’s precisely the point. It’s not a science, but an art, with the end result one that will take your breath away.

A community hub.

Affordable housing complex.

A social business incubator.

Commercial kitchen. Art gallery. Recording studio. Healing space. Event venue. Mental health collaborative. And the list goes on and on….

It is good work and as we steward our resources well for the flourishing of us all, all things new becomes here and now

On earth, as it is in heaven….

Let it be so.

Have a great week, friends!